OOPS i didnt realize that i spelled it wrong. meet

This is me,Kimberly,Michael and Becky with our tennis teacher Carolina. Michael and i do tennis lessons together but that day Becky and Kimberly wanted to come and play so they did!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The cutest Baby ever!!!

This is the cutest baby i have ever seen. jkjk It was a while ago. Sense i havent uploaded my blog for a long time!!!

This is our Easter!!!

This is an american Easter YAH!!! On the left side we have me, Elder Slade and Jameson. On the right we have Michael, Elder Hernandez, Elder Perkins and Elder Turner!!!This is Becky and her favorite egg ever!!!These are the eggs that everyone did!This is Michael with an egg as a head...These pictures are all of my eggs..HAHA!!!This is Jamesons cool guy.Hahaha!!!


I invited the other mission presidents sons michael,Jamison and my sister kimberly over and we decided that we should have a water party.  So we got a slip n slid and some water balloons and they came over and we started it.  After Michael and Jamison left Kimberly and i felt all dirty so we wanted to wash each others hair.  

what not to do at the beach!

at the beach...

it's ok to look cool,
but it's not ok to leave your legs exposed to sun light without any sunscreen on...
trust me!

Ouch!!! Thats gotta hurt real bad. Ya!!!!! ):Well it does i cant move, walk, or sleep with it sunburned

You can look at this picture and tell me how i was feeling.  My face was red,  i mean BRIGHT RED, i had a stye in my eye Janet that was to show you in that picture that i had it bad but it was worse... etc.

make over

becky & i decided to have some fun the other day & she gave me a make over!
here's the before shot:

and here's after:
she curled my all my hair & it took forever!
we also did a little bit of make up!!!
here's a shot of me & my stylist (:


Well to start my blog i wanted to show you things that are in Uruguay.

This is the temple.

Esto es mi casa.

This is the church building.

This is one of our favortie places to eat. It is called Marcos Chivitos.

This is the only Subway in the history of Uruguay!


So well fokes i got my first blog and you can look at all of my Uruguayan life and stuff like that on here